The purpose of this paper is to show why the institutions of social welfare (Welfare)
are today a major stake in the game of capitalist management so-called sovereign debt
crisis and confl icts that may determine an alternative model of development as opposed to
the current neo-liberal policy of austerity and sacrifi ce.
In this perspective, my presentation will be divided into two parts. In the fi rst part
my intention is to highlight some elements, which are often disguised, and at the same
time contribute to the explanation of the nature of the current crisis, as well as the strategic
role played by the policy of expropriation of welfare.
In the second part I will try to show that, in terms of Welfare institutions, the crisis
brings to light an alternative between two opposing models of society and the regulation
of the economy based on the driving role of knowledge and its dissemination.
Welfare institutions; sovereign debt; debt crisis; socialised wages; knowledge based economy; austerity policies
Croatian Economic Association